Thursday 14 November 2013


Police arrested a man in Woolwich for driving a car without a valid permit, this evening.

The incidence took place along Spray Street, at about 5pm, when the man was spotted by two police officers during a routine patrol. He was driving the VW Golf 5-door hatchback, without turning its headlights on.

When asked why he was driving without lights, he mumbled an answer but then could not produce a valid driving permit.

The officers got on their radio and shortly, were joined by a Police Van. However, the owner of the car (a lady) arrived shortly with proof of ownership.

The Van drove away immediately but one of the Police officers confirmed to Woolwich Online that the man was driving without a valid licence.

When we asked if he parked wrongly before they saw him, the officer said `he was driving without lights'.

As they took the details of the man and the car, the officers reminded the lady that if she tried to tell lies to cover him, she would be at fault for letting him drive it, being aware he was not qualified to drive.

The lady cooperated and watched on as the Police did their job.

* Twitter: @woolwichonline.

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