Monday 5 October 2015

Woolwich Event Will Showcase Contribution Of Social Enterprises

by our RGB Correspondent | Woolwich

General Gordon Square in Woolwich will host a showcase event of social enterprises on Saturday 10 October. The second annual Social Saturday will see a range of organisations come together to highlight the significance of social enterprises and support the sector’s growth on a local level.

The event, organised in partnership with Social Enterprise UK, kick-starts a six week promotion of activity in the borough to support the growth of local social enterprises.

Stallholders will include Lucky Brake, SMaRT Garage Services and Coffee Ethic. The presence of Coffee Ethic, a social enterprise that provides opportunities for people who have experienced mental illness, reflects the fact that the event coincides with World Mental Health Day.

A social enterprise is a business that trades for a social and/or environmental purpose and involves investing profits in projects that support the local community, international development and charities.

Cllr Sizwe James(top right), the Royal Borough’s Cabinet member for Business, Employment and Skills said: “The Council is backing Social Saturday and remains committed to supporting the Royal Borough’s social enterprises. Supporting this sector is an important part of our anti-poverty strategy as 50 per cent of social enterprises employ at least one person facing additional barriers to employment.

“There are currently around 200 social enterprises operating in the royal borough, placing them at the forefront of economic recovery and job creation.”

Peter Holbrook, Chief Executive of Social Enterprise UK, said: “Greenwich has a thriving social enterprise sector and this event kick-starts a six week programme of activity in the Borough to support the growth of social enterprises. Social enterprises in Greenwich are redefining how business gets done and are leading the way when it comes to growth, women in leadership and a strong role for black and minority led businesses. When you buy from a social enterprise, society profits.”

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