Monday 18 April 2016

Ethiopian Affair: Compatriots Shine At 2016 Edition of Boston Marathon

by Benson Agoha | Sports

Lemi Berhanu Hayle, breasts the tape to win 2016 Boston Marathon
The Boston Marathon, known as the world's oldest annual marathon, and is part of the Abbott has kicked off, with US Secretary of State John Kerry firing the starting gun.

He tweeted the above photo as expressed he expressed delight at being honoured to start the wheelchair division of Boston Marathon again, saying "Best of luck to all the competitors!"

The mens event was a 1,2,3 for Ethiopian compatriots as Lemi Berhanu Hayle, Lelisa Desisa , and Yemane Adhane Tsegay won the mens segment.

The ladies segment was also won by another Ethiopian, Atsede Baysa with an unofficial time of 2:29:19.

* The Champions Hayle (right) and Baysa wave.

* Lemi Berhanu Hayle,approaches the finish line in the
 2016 Boston Marathon champion!

* US Secretary of State, fired the starting gun for the wheel chair event.
(Credit: JK via Twitter).
Congratulations Lemi Hayle and Baysa for winning the 2016 Boston Marathon for both male and female events respectively! You've made your country proud.

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