Monday 18 April 2016

Have Your Say As Thomas Street Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation Open

by Benson Agoha | Woolwich

Have your say - Thomas Street Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – consultation open

Woolwich is undergoing a major regeneration project, as part of the Royal Borough’s 2012 Masterplan SPD for the town centre. The area around Thomas Street, forms part of a vision for a regenerated, well-used and vibrant town centre.

The Thomas Street site was identified as a key redevelopment site. When agreed, the Thomas Street Masterplan SPD will provide a comprehensive strategy for the redevelopment of land bounded Thomas Street, Wellington Street, John Wilson Street and Grand Depot Road.
It will build on existing work done in relation to the Woolwich Centre and the Tesco development, creating additional housing, jobs, retail, leisure and cultural facilities within Woolwich town centre.

The document gives detailed planning guidance for new development proposals that will come forward for the area with the aim of delivering comprehensive redevelopment that is both high quality and sustainable.

A consultation on the Thomas Street Masterplan SPD is currently open for comments and closes at 5pm on Tuesday 3 May.

You can find a copy of all the documents on the consultation page of the Council’s website:

A hard copy of the second draft Thomas Street Masterplan SPD is also available at:

The Woolwich Centre library
35 Wellington Street
London SE18 6HQ

You can send your feedback on the consultation to:

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