Saturday 2 April 2016

See What That Little Dose of Compassion By A Danish Woman Did For An Abandoned Child

by Benson Agoha | Compassion

In February, we reported the case of a little boy who was abandoned by his parents because they suspect him of being a witch.

He roamed the streets without guardian and ate from thrash bins. Till one day, Danish woman Anja Ringgren Loven saw him.

She is the founder of African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation 
(ACAEDF) and together with her partner and son, live in Uyo, the Cross River State, Nigeria.

Just two months after his rescue, see his spectacular transformation. Sometimes, indeed, almost all the time, a little sympathy never goes amiss.

Anja Ringgren Loven who has a male child of her own from her Nigerian partner clearly does have a heart of gold.

Read also our earlier post on the story:


See these photos below:

We have to correct this wrong notion that the boy on the left did not change to the boy on the right. This story making the rounds on Facebook, with the caption "One Year later" does not reflect the true picture of the situation.

In fact, the boy on the right is the lady's own biological son from her Nigerian partner and not the little boy abandoned by his mother, acused of being a witch.

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