Friday 28 August 2020

New Locomotives In Transit To Nigeria Could Have Received A Better Design

The announcement of a new batch (the second), of 11 units of diesel locomotives made by China's for Nigeria's Railway was received with mixed feelings.
* New Locomotives built by China's CRRC Corporation for Nigeria Railway.
Credit: via Twitter/CRRC

* Photo of a New EMU developed and being built by the CRRC.
Credit: via Twitter/CRRC

The Manufacturers said the locomotives were for the Lagos-Ibadan Railway and the the Abuja-Kaduna Railway. They had been shipped from Changzhou Port to Shanghai, as they started their journey to Nigeria.

But the trains could have received a better design.

As industrial designers shape up ideas, Train manufacturers are not left out and intercity trains can be designed to look better. The trains being shipped to Nigeria appear tailor made for intra-city transport.
Posts by CRRC Corporation show that the manufacturers are not oblivious to this fact as tweets on their handle show slick trains billed for the works.

Last December CRRC said it had acquired manufacturing license issued for the CJ2 EMU (Electrica Multiple United Train) which it developed, accompanying the tweet with a photo of a slick look new train, even if electric.

Althogh an EMU requires no separate locomotive because eletric traction motors are incorporated within one of a number of the carriages, locomotive design can look better.

Perhaps Nigerian designers could be incorporated into the project in future.

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